Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Weird Things You Can Put in Your Dishwasher | cleaning services ...

oven cleaners LondonUrban myths have been created for far less than dishwashers, so it shouldn?t surprise you that some creative individuals have decided to make some rumours concerning dishwashers. Can you really trust an appliance created for and named after its one intended function for any other belonging in your home? Let?s test this.

Cleaning services in London hold the opinion that all things should be cleaned in your home and for every single item and surface practice has outlined a set of proper ways to go about cleaning them. I am on the side of innovation, but let?s have a look at these five items your dishwasher can clean and see whether we can?t bust the myths.

[1] Toys. I have found online that dishwashers supposedly clean and sterilize your children?s toys. If that were true, I?d assume mothers everywhere would share tips on cycle use. What you can expect from this technique is complete disaster. Wooden toys will warp, some plastic will melt and plushies will lose their colour.

[2] Toothbrushes. The myth states that dishwashers sterilize toothbrushes so that they can be more ?effective?. I mean, seriously? Toothbrushes? Would you ever place something that has been treated with so many chemicals in your mouth? I certainly wouldn?t, because you can?t possibly predict the level of chemicals, which will find their way to the root of your bristles.

[3] Brushes and combs. Although not quite a fan of the idea, this one is actually feasible, if you do a bit of work before the dishwasher. Please remove any wooden brushes and combs, because they will warp, and make sure you remove all strings of hair from them as they may get stuck in the machine. A dishwasher is made to handle food refuse, not hair strands.

[4] Tennis shoes. Supposedly, if you scrape off the dirt off your tennis shoes, you can safely wash them inside. I can?t argue whether this is true or not, but at the same time I can assure that I?ll never use my dishwasher for dishes after washing shoes in it. The memory will make me distrustful of the cleanliness of my crockery and cutlery.

[5] Delicates. I?m sure that the dishwasher is a gentle enough to NOT rip your delicates into ribbons, but at the same time, it?s questionable hygiene habits like these that force me to refuse food in other people?s houses. I?m afraid I?m turning into my nan, but I feel like saying ?well, I?d never?!

What is your opinion on the matter? Would try one of these five unconventional uses for your trusty old dishwasher? Or would you shake your head in disappointment like every single person working for cleaning services in London?

Peter Clarkson is a part time journalist with many years of experience in different areas of business. His expertises include editing and proofreading, with housekeeping, time management, self improvement amongst his favourite categories. The vast experience gathered in cleaning makes him a valuable source of cleaning related ideas, such as cleaning supplies, home-made solutions, innovative and effective methods. Blogging has become a way for him to share his ideas.

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